ZoltánPuklus, Ida and Ida's Mother How many family members currently living in this house? Can you give us a little bit introductions of what you do and who you are? 目前住在家裡的成員有幾位呢?可以請你稍微介紹一下自己與你的職業嗎? Three of us (Zoltán and Ida, and Ida’s mother.) Everyone is retired. Z: I am a retired university professor. I: Life has thrown me to different places. I worked in a hospital for quite some time but diabetes had stopped me continue working. Since I’ve been in the household. But I look for opportunities to meet people, keep up my relationships and try to not to become narrowed.
我們家裡有三個人,(Zoltán and Ida, and Ida的母親)。我們都已經退休了。 Z: 我是退休的大學教授。 I: 生命一直將我帶領我到不同的領域。我曾經在醫院工作了滿長一段時間,但因為糖尿病的原因讓我不得不停止工作休息,於是成為家庭主婦。但是我會不斷的找機會去認識朋友,維持自己的生活圈,並且保持開放態度。
How long have you been living in this town? Why did you choose to live here? 你們在這個城市住多久了?為什麼會選擇住在這裡? Almost a quarter of a century. Work brought us here. The village is only ten kilometres far from Győr and we couldn’t allow to buy such place in the city when we moved here. And we wanted a new house and a new life. We decided to migrate to Hungary from Transylvania (Romania) in our middle life. I: I had enough. I had enough of everyday routine and conventions. We had everything: work, home, lot of friends. But that was it. I did not see our future there. Zoltánsticked to Hungary because of the language. For me it was less important. I could have moved to anywhere. He got very disappointed though very soon after our move. Z: There was no perspective because of Romania’s one-sided national politics. There was a national quota system and despite of the quota only 10% hungarians were present in positions. I: The final straw was when TV streamed ultra-national songs all day long on the 26th of December, 1989. I didn’t have problems with average people though, I like them (Romanians).
幾乎快要四分之一個世紀了。我們因為工作的原因搬到這裡。當我們搬到這裡時,我們買不起城市中的房子,而這個村莊只距離城市吉爾 十公里遠,我們也想要一個新生活,新房子。我們決定在生命中途, 從羅馬尼雅的特蘭夕法尼雅移民到匈牙利。 I: 我只覺得受夠了。我受夠了這些規範與傳統。我們曾經擁有一切:工作、家庭、很多的朋友。但是這不過是如此,我沒有辦法看到我們的未來。 Zoltán一直因為語言不通的關係而不願意離開匈牙利,並且在搬家之後變得很失落。而對我來說這卻不是個很大的問題,我可以住在任何地方。
Where are you from? A big city or a rural area? How did you learn to adapt to a city from your previous experiences? 你們來自哪裡呢?都市還是郊區?依照過去的經驗,你們是如何去適應一個都市呢? We come from a big city, Romania’s second largest city. So it’s kind of downgrade here. It compensated the costs of the move that time. But I can’t imagine living in a 10-floors block of flat. Instead of the vertical blocks the horizontal country-life provides more rich connections to people. And the flatland is beautiful with the big horizon.
我們來自一個大城市,羅馬尼亞境內第二大城。所以來到這裡有點將規格降低的感覺,而這也是當時搬家的代價。但是我不能想像住在一棟十樓公寓之中。和直立的方塊比較起來,視野遼闊開廣的鄉村讓我更能夠與周圍的人建立頻繁的互動關係,而且在平原上有著遼闊的地平線視野非常美麗。 Describe a normal weekday for me? Do you follow any routine to complete a day? 可以告訴我你們的平常工作日是什麼樣子的嗎?有沒有必須得做才算是完成一天的例行事項呢? I: When I'm done with things in the daily routiine I read and walk a bit. Z: Thanks to it, we are not isolated but I think that Internet keeps us too busy while it is a waste of time. Going shopping or gardening brings people together.
I: 當我做完每天該做的家事之後,我會讀些書,還有去散步。 Z: 托網路的福,我們沒有太與世隔絕。但是我想網路讓我們太忙碌了,同時又很容易在上面浪費許多時間。去買東西或者做些花園的工作讓大家能夠彼此有更多接觸。
Do you have a favorite spot/corner at home? 你們有沒有特別喜歡家中的哪個角落或者家中的部分? I. Kitchen and bed. Seriously, I feel best while sleeping when nothing bothers me. But maybe the winter makes me say that. It's been winter for so long. I'm awaiting spring very mush although I like winter. I love my plants. Sofa and legs up or the opposite: doing something extreme around the house or in the garden. Z. Apart from browsing the Internet I start to wonder nature more and more. I contemplate trees and plants, how they grow, change and what they produce. Nature has partly taken over library.
I: 廚房與床。講真的,我覺得毫無干擾的睡眠是我覺得最棒的時刻。但是可能是因為已經持續冬天很久的原因而讓我這麼說。雖然我很期待春天的到來,我還是很喜歡冬天的。我非常喜歡我的植物。讓我抬腿或放鬆腿部的沙發:在家或者花園做些激烈的運動。 Z: 除了鎮日上網之外,我開始會去享受大自然的風光。我會去想想樹木與植物,它們是如何生長的,改變的,以及它們都生產了哪些東西。自然已經取代圖書館。
How do you arrange your place, any daily life habits apply? Do you agree the issue of house arrangement comes to some kind of politics when there is more than one person living in the same place? 你們都怎麼佈置居家環境呢?有根據彼此的生活習慣而去調整嗎?是否認為當一個家中有多位成員共同居住的時候,對於屋內的擺設的決定其實帶有一點政治意味? Z: On the countryside you've got more space in general. Therefore tension between family members can dissolve easier. I: "Do it yourself sir, if you have not servant".
Z: 生活在鄉村的環境,自然而然地你有比較多的空間使用。這也讓家人之間的爭執或者緊張氣氛比較容易被排除。 I:“如果你沒有請佣人的話,請你自己去做。”
Do you collect anything? 你們有收集任何物品嗎? I: Man, this is the best question of all! Stones! Wherever I go I bring stones home. Z: I'd like to "collect" more friends, also among the people in the village.
I: 哎呀!這是所有問題之中最棒的一個了。石頭!我去任何地方都會帶顆石頭回來。 Z: 我喜歡「收集」更多的朋友,還有與生活在村莊中的居民當朋友。
Are you a walker? Is there a route? 你們喜歡散步嘛?有沒有什麼特別的路徑呢? I: I am. I love walking. I don't use the bus if possible. Z: Life is movement. I choose the further supermarket in the village. When we go to Győr we always park the car at the same place regardless of our actual destination.
I: 我喜歡散步。如果可以的話,我會盡可能的不搭巴士。 Z:要活就要動!我會去村內比較遠的超級市場。還有我們進到吉雅市中心時,不管我們要去哪裡,我們都會停在同一個停車場。
Have you ever thought of the way you lead in life now might be influenced by your parents? 有沒有想過你們的父母如何影響你生活的方式? I: No, I haven’t thought of this and I feel that there's no influence. Z: I think this isn't true, of course there's influence. By our parents we were taught to love work, being straight and honest. "The straight road is the best."
I: 沒有,我其實壓根兒沒有想過這個問題,而且我覺得他們並沒有對我有任何影響。 Z: 我覺得不完全是,當然他們會對我有些影響。從我們的父母身上我們學到要如何去熱愛工作,直接溝通與誠實。最直接的道路才是康莊大道。
Do you have a picture for an ideal home? 是否有一個理想家庭的想像呢? I: Harmony, synergy and mutual respect. Z: Ideal relation between people. Openly talk through problems. I: As a child I imagined a sort of "rubber house" which would expand according to the growth of the family. When you're two, it's small and cosy, when children come it becomes spaceful and when you get old it is what you can hold up.
I: 和樂,相互扶持,與彼此尊重。 Z: 人與人之間關係的理想狀態。對於問題能夠以開放態度討論。 I: 我小的時候常幻想一種「橡皮房子」,可以隨著家人成員人數的成長而加大拉長。當家中只有兩人,又可以是小巧溫馨,當有很多小孩子來玩時,房子又可以馬上擴充,當你進入老年的時候又得以倚靠。
Tell us a story about eating at home. 跟我們聊聊在家吃飯的事情吧。 Z: The best thing is when everyone is at home, all the children around the table and Ida starts serving the grill. I: The media ruined our life. Zoltán doesn't want to miss any news in politics or sports. He comes to the table, stuck in his dish without talking and goes back to the screen. I imagined old age differently.
Z: 最棒的是當所有的人聚在一起,所有的小孩都在餐桌上然後Ida開始上菜! I: 媒體摧毀了我們的生活。 Zoltán不想要錯過任何政治與體育新聞,他會坐在餐桌上,不發一語地埋頭就吃,然後回去守在螢幕前。跟我想像中的老年生活有很大的差距。